- Fix handling of [msgnum-1] etc in templates. - Make the allowraw_image feature generic for other types too. - Make the email mask option work per-list too - Make it work with ModPython -- eliminate the use of cwd Use $SCRIPT_FILENAME to add to the path? - Handle time zones. - Make ezmlm also return previous and next message numbers. - Better text search -- full text search? - Figure out how to determine dates on the messages. - Parse the first Received: line or the Date: line - Improve the install and configuration documentation. - Write template documentation. - Build a proper spec file. - Seperate the generic parts of the CGI front-end into another generic library that uses the template library. - i18n See http://lists.untroubled.org/?list=bgware&cmd=showmsg&msgnum=587 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ideas from other implementations: Author index / searching Language customization Most recent N messages on the front page