ezmlm-cron sets up the generation of trigger messages to the list listadr and the digest code code. A optional digest format specifier f can be added to code.
ezmlm-cron reads dir/ezcronrc, where dir is the home directory of the effective user. The first line of this file is the host name, 'host', to which bounces should be sent. Any bounces for lists set up by 'user' will go to 'user@host'. Subsequent lines are entries for users made up of: user:local:host:num:[list1[,list2...]]. The ':'-separated parameters are:
The first line matching the executing user will be used.
If ezmlm-cron is installed SUID euser, the configuration and crontab files from that user's home directory will be used for all ezmlm-cron actions. This way, users on a system can be given limited crond(8) access via ezmlm-cron restricted by dir/ezcronrc and to the generation of digest trigger messages. This is especially useful for users without shell access or access to crond(8). euser is usually 'ezmlm'. To install ezmlm-cron SUID ezmlm:
# chown ezmlm /usr/local/bin/ezmlm/ezmlm-cron
# chmod 4555 /usr/local/bin/ezmlm/ezmlm-cron
ezmlm-cron refuses to run if installed SUID root. ezmlm-cron when executed by 'root', will still use the files in ~root.
To allow crond(8) access, you may need to list the effective user (all users allowed access or ~ezmlm if ezmlm-cron is installed SUID ezmlm) in /etc/cron.allow. See crontab(1) for further information.
Crude crontab(5) lines are listed. These are taken from the ~/crontab file. Usually, these are active entries, although if the last execution of crontab(1) failed, they may not be.