This module provides an ability for rejecting messages based on simple patterns in their content.
Each line of the data sent from the client is loaded into a line buffer (with a maximum size as above) and then scanned against the patterns listed in the configuration file. If any pattern matches, the message is rejected.
The patterns file contains a list of standard glob-style patterns. Each line of the file starts with a control character, which is not part of the pattern itself:
The following patterns list is a much simplified version of Russell Nelson's qmail-smtpd virus scan patch. In particular, it doesn't actually do any kind of checking if the blank line really marked a MIME boundary or not.
=We don't accept email with executable content (#5.3.4) \TVqQAAMAA* \TVpQAAIAA* \TVpAALQAc* \TVpyAXkAX* \TVrmAU4AA* \TVrhARwAk* \TVoFAQUAA* \TVoAAAQAA* \TVoIARMAA* \TVouARsAA* \TVrQAT8AA* \TVoAAAEAAA*