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10/16/2007: "Extended shopping hours in Saskatoon."
Two Saskatoon stores are asking city council for permission to stay open 24 hours a day for some days during Christmas. Sarah Maunder writes that there is "Little to gain by extending shopping hours even more". She says that "help-wanted signs are everywhere" but that "employees need to prove their dedication in order to be guaranteed shifts".
Well, Sarah, fortunately it can't work both ways. If help wanted signs are everywhere (and they really are), then there really is no risk in losing your job because the employers are so desperate to keep workers. Even if you do, there's always other jobs you can go to because there are so many looking for employees. But if employees are being made to prove their dedication, then there must be a serious risk of them not getting another job.
I say let the people decide. If the stores stay open and lose money, they won't be likely to do it again. If they make money, it means enough people decided that they wanted to shop during the extended hours. Either way there is little to lose and potential for a gain in convenience.