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Home » Archives » September 2008 » Seniors not embracing generic drugs? Not quite.

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09/25/2008: "Seniors not embracing generic drugs? Not quite."

CTV is reporting that seniors are "not quite embracing generic drugs", according to a study by Medco Health Solutions Inc. in the USA.

What the study actually says is that "The majority of seniors only switched to generics after they reached the point in spending when users must pick up the whole cost of prescriptions." Apparently, after they actually have to pay for the drugs, they do embrace the generics.

Really? And this is in the least bit surprising? Psychologically, even if you educate people that generics are equally effective as brand-name drugs, the price alone makes the brand-name drugs more desirable. Since the seniors don't have to pick up the whole cost of the prescription normally, why not get the more desirable drugs? After all, they're not picking up the tab, except in their taxes which don't change if they need more or more expensive drugs.

After all, when you go to an all-you can eat buffet, what do you eat? Do you stick to the cheaper foods because that will make it less expensive for everybody, or do you stuff yourself as much as possible with all of the choicest bits? It doesn't matter how much you eat, you still pay the same amount, so go wild.

As the saying goes: If you think health care is expensive now, just wait until it's free. (P.J. O'Rourke)

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