Bruce Guenter's Thoughts

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Tuesday, November 23rd

Left Unsaid

I appreciated Les Macpherson's commentary in today's StarPhoenix about an interview with celebrity chef Jamie Oliver.

The two most objectionable things, however, in Oliver's call for government regulation over our diet are what is left unsaid: First, that we are too dumb to regulate our own diet, and second, that the bureaucrats on Parliament Hill have a moral right to tell us what and how much we are allowed to eat and, further, to fine, arrest, and imprison those who disagree.
Bruce on 11.23.10 @ 07:40 PM CST [link] [No Comments]

Thursday, November 4th

Who Owns It?

Twice in the past few of weeks, I have read columnists in the StarPhoenix state that "We own Saskatchewan's potash". In both cases, these statements have been written by self avowed free-enterprise proponents.

In both cases, I say: "Shame on you!"
Bruce on 11.04.10 @ 04:57 PM CST [more..] [No Comments]