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Home » Archives » November 2005 » More on the Sony DRM issue (Updated)

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11/02/2005: "More on the Sony DRM issue (Updated)"

The Sony DRM issue that I posted about yesterday has appeared in a lot of places:

The first Freedom to Tinker article listed is very important to understand -- by putting software onto a computer that hides its existance, Sony is making it vastly simpler for other malicious programs to also latch into the same mechanism for free and hide themselves under the same cloak. So far we know little about what Sony's DRM actually does (other than preventing raw digital data being read from CDs), but it is not hard to see how it allows for other uses, such as spying on your activites, setting up spam gateways, hooking into zombie networks, uploading private files, etc. None of these are far fetched scenarios, as there already exist viruses, worms, and trojans to do all of them.

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