Bruce Guenter's Thoughts

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Tuesday, February 14th

No Right to Complain, Apparently

Letter to the Saskatoon StarPhoenix:

In the comment entitled "You voted for this" (SP Feb 8 2012*), Nick Henselmeier tells seniors they got what they deserved because they voted for the Conservatives.
Bruce on 02.14.12 @ 08:41 AM CST [more..] [No Comments]

Sunday, February 5th

Economic Ills and So-called Austerity

In the article, "Economic Ills" (SP Feb 4, 2012*), the argument is presented that austerity budgeting in Britain in particular has made their economic situation much more painful and enduring. I am curious however how Paul Krugman, and by proxy the Star Phoenix editorial board, can justify the claim that Britain has pursued any kind of austerity budget.
Bruce on 02.05.12 @ 10:34 PM CST [more..] [No Comments]