Bruce Guenter's Thoughts

Random musings about stuff that crosses my path.

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Thursday, April 28th

Right Invasion

For many years, many on the right (or at least those rallying behind the Republicans) have echoed behind the often quoted words of Ronald Reagan1:

The nine most dangerous words in the English language are "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help."

Bruce on 04.28.11 @ 12:07 AM CST [more..] [No Comments]

Thursday, April 7th

Disturbed Hyprocrites

I usually listen to the radio when I drive around by myself. Recently I heard a remake of the Genesis classic "Land of Confusion" by a metal band. I was curious, so I looked it up online.

The remake is done by the band Disturbed. While the remake is not particularly notable -- it sounds pretty much like what you'd expect for a metal remake -- it is well done and I enjoyed listening to it. However, where it gets interesting is in the music video.
Bruce on 04.07.11 @ 06:31 PM CST [more..] [No Comments]