Bruce Guenter's Thoughts

Random musings about stuff that crosses my path.

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Monday, December 20th

More (on) Imports

It seems this issue of import restrictions is quite popular. Since posting a pair of rebuttals to a political idea by J. Michael Straczynski, I've read numerous other takes on the idea that back up it being a bad idea.
Bruce on 12.20.10 @ 08:43 AM CST [more..] [No Comments]

Tuesday, December 14th

J. Michael Straczynski's politics

J. Michael Straczynski, the creator of Babylon 5, of which I am a big fan, recently posted a political idea. Sadly, the core of the plan rests on two popular myths, making it rather misconceived.

(Updated with a response from JMS)
Bruce on 12.14.10 @ 12:16 AM CST [more..] [No Comments]

Monday, December 6th

Consulting Government

On the CBC The World at Six program on December 6 2010 (podcast link) was an article about the increasing use of consultants in government offices. In the closing phrases of the spiel describing why they are desirable, the reporter let drop a startling revelation.
Bruce on 12.06.10 @ 08:29 PM CST [more..] [No Comments]